
Spring Cleaning: A Deep Clean for your Mind, Body, and Home

  Spring has arrived, and with it comes the urge to shed the winter doldrums and embrace a fresh start. But beyond a sparkling home,...
Spring Cleaning: A Deep Clean for your Mind, Body, and Home


Spring has arrived, and with it comes the urge to shed the winter doldrums and embrace a fresh start. But beyond a sparkling home, spring cleaning offers surprising benefits for your mental health, well-being, and overall pursuit of a clean living approach.

Decluttering for a Calmer Mind:

Research suggests a strong connection between physical clutter and mental well-being. A 2010 study published in the journal "Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin" found that individuals living in cluttered environments reported higher levels of stress, anxiety, and cortisol (the stress hormone) compared to those in organized spaces. Decluttering your home can act as a form of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), helping to reduce mental clutter and improve focus and concentration [1].

Boosting Self-Esteem and Motivation:

Completing a spring cleaning project, whether it's tackling a cluttered closet or organizing your pantry, provides a powerful sense of accomplishment. This feeling of success can significantly boost your self-esteem and motivation, according to a 2017 study published in the "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology." This positive reinforcement can spill over into other areas of your life, inspiring you to tackle other challenges and pursue personal goals [2].

Improving Sleep and Respiratory Health:

Spring cleaning isn't just about aesthetics; it's also about creating a healthier environment. Dusting, vacuuming, and opening windows can significantly reduce allergens and dust mites, which are known to exacerbate allergies and asthma symptoms. A 2018 study published in the journal "Allergy" found that reducing household dust mite levels through cleaning interventions led to improved sleep quality and reduced asthma symptoms in participants [3].

Rediscovering Yourself and Your Passions:

Spring cleaning often involves revisiting forgotten corners of your home, unearthing hidden treasures like old photo albums, forgotten books, or long-neglected hobbies. This process of rediscovery can spark joy and nostalgia, reminding you of cherished memories and reigniting passions that may have been dormant. This can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth, allowing you to reconnect with parts of yourself that may have been neglected [4].

Creating Space for Growth and New Beginnings:

By letting go of the old and unnecessary, you're creating space for the new. This could be anything from pursuing a new hobby to incorporating healthier habits into your routine. Spring cleaning becomes a metaphor for personal growth, encouraging you to make room for new experiences and opportunities in your life, both within your home and your personal journey towards a clean living approach [5].

So, this spring, embrace the transformative power of cleaning not just your home, but also your mind and spirit. Remember, a little effort can go a long way in creating a space that fosters well-being, inspires growth, and supports your pursuit of a clean and healthy lifestyle.

Looking for other ways to clean your space? Check out our blog post on which house plants help to purify your air and make your space cleaner and greener! Our fave bag for carrying larger items around for both cleaning and buying plants?  None other than The Boxy Tote!



  1. Study: Reducing household clutter through a behavior change intervention improves mental health in college students:
  2. Study: Orderly spaces and self-regulation: From chaos to calm
  3. Study: Reduction in house dust mite allergen levels and clinical symptoms of asthma using a combination of mite-impermeable encasings and regular cleaning: [invalid URL removed]
  4. The Surprising Psychological Benefits of Decluttering
  5. 5 Ways to Spring Clean with Mental Wellness in Mind:

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